What’s in my camera bag?
I often get asked what equipment I use. This last season I’ve been working backwards – trying to simplify what I use down to the smallest possible system.
I should probably point out that I’m primarily a documentary wedding photographer – you can check out my work here.
So what’s in my camera bag at the moment? I’ll give you a picture and then I’ll break it down.

The Overall Philosophy
I want to travel light. I use one lens most of the day (usually a wide angle) and I usually have a ‘normal’ lens on my hip (I think of this more as my telephoto… but I’ve realised recently, it’s not…. I just see wide angle as my normal)
I don’t want to be changing lenses. I want to be thinking about what’s going on outside the camera, not trying to decide what lens to use. So I threw out most of the choices. Decision made before I leave the house.
Fuji XT3
I’ve been totally immersed in the Fuji System for the last 8 years or so – starting off with a couple of Xpro2 cameras (I did get an Xpro1 when they first came out, but I didn’t fall in love with it). I love them because they are small, light, simple, robust and very intuitive to use (especially if you’ve used film cameras in the past). I’m not the only documentary wedding photographer who loves Fuji cameras – they’re also used by Kevin Mullins, Simon Atkins and York Place Studios.
I currently carry two Fuji XT3’s. I’d love an Xpro3, but I might feel nervous leaping on a bouncy castle with one! And the XT3 has the same sensor and a flippy screen and costs peanuts at the moment (The XT4 that succeeded it is a really good camera for videographers, but there’s no real benefits for photographers… here’s hoping the XT5 is a game changer.)
Update 2023: I did purchase Xpro3’s and loved them – even using them on the bouncy castle. I’m currently using two Fujifilm XT5’s

Buy the Fujifilm XT5 From Amazon (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases)
Fuji 18mm 1.4 Lens
The wide angle lens is absolutely key to the look of my documentary wedding photography – it means I can get right in the thick of it, or stand back for a wider composition, and every little millimeter I move myself changes the picture. If you’re looking to capture intimacy and energy in your photography you have to just get in there with a wide angle and photograph.
This is the equivalent of a 28mm on full frame. I used to carry a 16mm and a 23mm and never knowing which one I wanted to use. I was wasting time deciding because I love them both for different reasons. In the end decided I was just going to get something in the middle. This may be the best lens Fuji have every made – it’s fast, quick to focus and makes lovely images.
Buy the Fujifilm 18mm 1.4 WR at Amazon (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases)

Fuji 33mm 1.4 Lens
This gets me a bit closer than the wide angle. It’s a ‘normal’ lens – equivalent to 50mm on a Full Frame camera. I use it for some of the images. It’s the first lens in this range from Fuji that I’ve been happy to use on the dancefloor (beforehand I needed to use manual focus lenses for dancefloor action – which is exactly what your head needs 12 hours into a wedding day!). It’s close, but it doesn’t feel like I’m spying on people through a telescope.
Buy the Fujifilm 33mm f1.4 WR from Amazon (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases)

Fuji 56mm f/1.2 Lens
Now it’s starting to feel like I’m spying on people through a telescope. I try to leave this lens in the bag… it’s there for when I have to stand farther away.
It does produce very pretty images though… and is a nice portrait lens.
Buy the Fuji 56mm 1.2 WR from Amazon (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases)

Godox tt350 Flash
I used to carry two flashes everywhere – what if one fails? But then I realised I only used the flash about once a year and if it failed I’d just make something else work for me. I do have some other flashes in the boot of the car – mainly for dance floors later on (we’ll get to that). This is a very small and light flash and it does the job well. (Update – I also purchased the V350, but I have no idea where the charger has got to. For my minimal use the tt350 still does me well)
Buy the Godox TT350 From Amazon
(Longer Lenses)
If I need something a bit longer I will rent it. After 10 years I’ve realised that I only seem to need a longer telephoto about once every 3 years, so I don’t even have one in the boot of the car nowadays. (Update 2023: I’m really tempted by the Viltrox 75mm 1.2 – watch this space)
The Other Things
Also in the bag are spare batteries and memory cards and usually a bottle of water.
Ona Bowery Camera Bag
If you’re a photographer you know the pain of trying to find the right camera bag. It’s a never ending quest to find something you’re happy to have on you all day, but that also holds your gear. I like simple small camera bags. I also like the ThinkTank retrospective range and have a Retrospective 30 from when I used to carry round 5 times as much gear (in the belief it would stop me missing shots. The Ona Bowery was a bit of a treat for myself and I love it’s accessibility and ease of use (I was using something cheap off amazon before and it was a pain to get into every time I needed something! The Bowery is nicely made and will hopefully last me years.
Update 2023: After simplifying I went through a process of playing with film cameras – instant film, medium format, 35mm. So I’ll usually chuck something in my bag to play with. I’ve been using the Think Tank more recently as any bag I use I seem to dump somewhere and just carry a camera or two and a spare battery in my back pocket.
Update late 2023: My Think Tank is a decade old and not really holding any structure anymore. I have since upgraded to an Ona Brixton, which is a very nice bag.

In the boot of the car
In the boot of the car are a couple of flash guns for using off camera if needed. There’s also my Mitakon 35mm f0.95 which I will bring if you ask me to photograph a wedding underground or in a dark anglo saxon chapel on a gloomy day – as despite being manual focus and a bit soft around the edges (I actually really love the character of this lens!) it can see in the dark. There’s also usually a flash stand or two… which I’m currently considering swapping out for gorilla pods as they’re less intrusive.